Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Super hero

Who is your favorite super hero? My favorite super hero is Ghost Rider. Ghost Rider the movie is also good. You can make your own super hero at Marvel.com, or you can look up make your own super hero on google. It is fun to make your own super hero. If you where a super hero, what powers would you have?

Friday, April 24, 2009

Awsome picture

Cell phones while driving

I think that talking on cell phones while driving is O.K. People say that it's dangerous because you're not focusing on your driving. You are sorta doing the same thing if you're eating. Then people should say that you can't eat while driving either. WHAT IF YOU'RE STARVING AND YOU'VE BEEN ON THE ROAD FOR 12 HOURS STRAIGHT! YOU SHOULD Be ABLE TO EAT THEN!!!!! I ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day

It's a green Earth.This Earth Day I will tell you what I do to "help" the earth. I recycle cans. I take them to a place. The place turns them into stuff. I get money for them. Thats what I do every 2 weeks or so. HAPPY EARTH DAY. (By the way my teacher makes me do some of these posts.)

Monday, April 20, 2009

What did I do over the weekend

Hi, I watched a lot of TV over the weekend.When I wasn't watching TV, I was playing on the computer. I also took my dog for walks. I then slept. Oh I almost forgot I absolutely positively extra speacily applesaucally (there was nothing like Rome in my weekend) playfully played PS3. I ROCK .

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Favorite movie

My favorite movie is V for Vendetta, here is why. The movie is about an assassin named V who takes out the people who are driving the city into the ground. V only uses knives. He also makes a legion of people who want to fight. I won't tell you any more about the movie, so if you want know any more see it for yourself.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Beware my power
I made this its awesome

Friday, April 10, 2009

If I got $5000

If I had $5000 I would buy some awesome thing like a turtle, a pug, and house on Figi. I would then buy tiger tank, an M4, a summer house in Alaska, and worthless bejuled pickle. I would last buy a hot tub. Then I would retire to Figi, living the rest of my life with a fancy pickle and die alphabetically and alone.
( just kidding I don't know what i would do with $5000)
I rock

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


I made this, be happy.

Monday, April 6, 2009

My Mom & Dad

I admire My mom & dad, here are some reasons why. Last Christmas my Mom & Dad bought me & my brother a PS3!! The PS3 is a lot of fun. We used to have a PS2 but now that we have a PS3 we put the PS2 in my room. We put the PS3 in our basement. My mom & dad can make the best steaks. My Dad usually makes them on our grill, & my Mom makes them in the oven. My Mom bought my family a dog while my Dad was in Iraq. Our dog Zoe is a lot of fun. When we got her she was 1 of about 7 girls and 1 boy. She was the calmest but when we were driving home(it was an hour long trip) she wouldn't stop yelping so I had to sit in the back to comfort her but she still wouldn't stop. So after that my brother picked her up and held her on his shoulder, she through up on him and we were only 1/2 way home. Those are only some of many reasons why I admire my parents.